Wednesday, March 21, 2012

via google images
Let's just say this bracelet has begun to drift over the line from "want" to "need." Ugh, a love affair with accessories can be so expensive, right? Also, the girl who scans my card at the gym said to me yesterday that I, "always have the prettiest outfits." Best. Compliment. Ever. I nearly cried as I walked into the locker room with the always slightly damp floor, in my cute shoes :).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lately, I have been obsessing over many of the same things fashion-wise: rhinestones, stripes, and odd color combos.  Here are some of my recent Instagram photos to prove it:


People think I am a nut :). You?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

One month from today, I will wake up a married lady :).

from google images

If anyone wants to mail me this mixer in advance to celebrate, have at it.

I'm pretty excited.  About the wedding, not the mixer :).

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


from google images

Also obsessed, but this I actually own (outlet of COURSE). In person, it looks both gold AND silver. Major.