I am a nester. There. I said it! And now that I am also a wife, the nesting stuff has really taken the front seat. I have so many home design obsessions that I can barely keep up, but here are some things that WILL be happening to my rather eclectic home sooner rather than later :).
1. New, light-gray sectional: This is a long time coming (if you ask me, but not if you ask Christian), and is already ordered, along with an amazing ottoman.
from summerhomefurniture.com |
2. Doggie-proofing: We are getting a dog! Well, inheriting one, sort-of. But we are preparing for her sweet little face in a very big way - with gates, crates, and a dog door, to be exact.
from pet-super-store.com |
3. Lucite Trays: I am so loving this right now...need some for my bathroom and spiffy new living room...
from dabneyleeathome.com |
4.Wedding Photos: Framed and hung...nuff said :)
from doodlecraft.blogspot.com |